Saturday, April 02, 2005

I Am Your Shepherd

I Am Your Shepherd

Is your heart bowed down in sorrow
And you're asking what brings tomorrow
Let me tell you 'bout a sinner gone astray,
Headed down the road of destruction,
wouldn't follow the Lord's instructions
getting deeper into trouble day by day.

And he told me, "I am your shepherd, I will lead you on.
Just lean upon me, for i am big and strong."
When I'm discouraged, it seems I hear him say,
"I am your Shepherd, I'm with you all the way."

Put your in Christ dear brother
He can comfort you like no other
He can make each pain and trouble go away,
Lift your voice and sing His praises
For His power outlasts the ages
And will take you home to Heaven some sweet day.

And He'll tell you, "I am your Shepherd, I will lead you on.
Just lean upon me, for I am big and strong."
When I'm discouraged, it seems I hear Him say,
"I am your Shepherd, I'm with you all the way."

When someday we've made it over to that city beyond death's river
Then it won't be by the good deeds we have done,
For the Holy one up in Heaven, full salvation has freely given
Through the merits of His only Darling Son.

And He'll tell us, "I am your Shepherd, I will lead you on.
Just lean upon me, for I am big and strong."
When I am discouraged, it seems I hear Him say,
"I am your Shepherd, I'm with you all the way."

William A. (Shorty) Smith

With tears in my eyes, all I can say is A-men.

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