Sunday, July 31, 2005

Beehive laughter

Well at present I am at the Beehive, and I am extremely thrilled to be here. My two sisters, my Momma, and me all came to the...umm...certain place where the Bruces live in America....yeah. Anyway, the reason we are here is for the Ambleside convention. (Which was very cool because we got to help out behind the scenes and wear the cool conference tees and look all official and stuff.) I'm sorry I haven't posted in forever, I will try to be more frequent.
Right now, the Shieldmaiden and I are modeling wigs which make us look like girls who have never seen a hair brush! Now, if any of you have ever seen the Shieldmaiden, you know that her hair is anything but black which is the color of the dreadful wig that she is wearing. The wig I have have on is long, very long, & BLONDE! My hair looks black compared to this wig! (It's very itchy too.) On top of our wigs, sit two of the most atrocious hats I have ever seen! But then how can I say they are atrocious, when the hats are what give me so much delight? Earlier today my sister Mo, my other sister Peachy-Keen, my friend Fa-so-la-la, and my other friend the shieldmaiden, and I all went to get supper at the Corner Bakery. Not only did we go with hats atop all of our heads, but we went with confidence! Now, let me see, Mo had on a Bob the Builder construction hat, peach-Keen had on a 1930's up-town newsboy cap, Claire had a little flat 1940's spring church hat, Caitlin had on a tan fitted hat with a feather sticking straight up, and I had a red hat with a HUGE black feathers sticking straight up. It looked like a very girly, red, top hat. Very cool. Well everyone is laughing and giggling in the next room so I'm going to see what all of the laughter is about. Have a good day!


beatrice said...

The conference was fun...albiet tiring.
My ankles STILL hurt! I think I did something to my shoulder carrying all those dishes.
Pippi, Ithilien, their sister and the Headgirl were helpers too.

GravyGal said...

So, you've been holding out on me, have you?!?! J.K
Sounds like it was fun. Marj, how long are yall staying in town?


Marjoniqua said...

Well we just got home last night. So Gravygal, you are E.R. right?

GravyGal said...

You are quite right. :)

beatrice said...

At least she's not in E.H!!!
(Inside joke....but I'll tell you all about it if you will come spend the night with us!!)

fa-so-la-la said...


GravyGal said...

I'll have to see if I can...

Ps. Talked to K-the brown one on the phone today, and she told me there was something I should ask yall to tell me...(I can't help thinking that it has to do with E.H.)

fa-so-la-la said...

It's EH alright....

Anonymous said...

Would ya'll stop with the inside jokes already. (yes I do say that just because I'm not included). Marjoniqua, I'm so glad you posted. You should visit my blog and my new one which the Bruces should have told you about. If not, it is....
